Tuesday 8 April 2014



I believe that teaching is more than a job - more than a profession It is a VOCATION.

I believe that my vocation as a Facilitator is of supreme importance in the training of the human soul for an eternal destiny.

I believe that on God’s part there is nothing, accidental in the case of each student who enters my classroom.

I believe that without daily prayer for patience, strength and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I cannot hope to fulfill my high calling.

I believe that a Facilitator must love youth and believe in the essential integrity and sincerity of youth.

I believe that Faciliing is more than instruction - it is also guidance and friendship.

I believe that the person taught is of vastly more importance than the subject taught.

I believe  that  I should be guilty of a grave injustice were I to discriminate against a student because of race , colour or creed.

I believe that I own the same professional interest towards students of all intellectual levels.

I believe that if I reproach a students for lack of intelligence, I shall be reproaching the Creator who so endowed him.

I believe that favoritism in the classroom can never be tolerated or condoned.

I believe that justice to myself as a teacher and to my student demands that I make adequate preparation for every class.

I believe that tangible proofs of gratitude from students should never be expected. A teacher’s rewards are all in the future.

I believe that youth is extremely sensitive and can be deeply wounded by public posting of gratitude  or other indiscriminate comparisons.

I believe that firmness and patience are the most effective weapons against the misconduuct or insolence of youth.

I believe that no injury on the part of a student is beyond the forgiveness of the Facilitator.

I believe that loyalty to my school , to my students , and to my fellow teacher forbids the publishing of their shortcomings except to competent authority.

I believe that appreciation and encouragement of my students and fellow Facilitators will do wonders for their morale as well as my own.

I believe that I should never cease to increases in the knowledge of my subject , and to improve  in my teaching techniques.

I believe that my students shall pass through my classes but once. If there is  anything therefor, that I can do to help them live useful lives , let me not delay  it nor neglect it . . . for they shall not pass my way again.....



CC/DB Tech,
Tamil Nadu.


  1. This indeed throws light on the role of a facilitator. Thank you for this piece..
