Saturday 30 August 2014

blog entry- understanding facilitation

The communication sends a strong message about your style of facilitator and how you view the learner. Through words and body language, you convey how you see your role as facilitator In the same way, you communicate your view of learner whose job it is to do as you say without question or dialogue or as learner with good questions, opinions, and ideas that can contribute to improving the quality of care. To establish trust and a spirit of cooperation between you and learner, communication must be two-way. In order for learner to work together effectively as a team on improving quality, it is important to provide opportunities to meet and discuss ideas,
Acknowledge successes, discuss problems, and make joint decisions about how to move forward.

Facilitation skills are not synonymous with teaching and classroom management, or attending skills. The traditional teaching dynamic posits the teacher as the expert and students as recipients of externally located knowledge. The unilateral transmission of ideas from teacher to student often fails to engage students by focusing on the product rather than the process of education. Experiential learning, which emphasizes the fluid nature of knowledge in relation to social contexts, is dynamic, multi directional, and inclusive.

video summary of understanding faciliatation- facilitation in action

In first video the facilitator was taking, interact with all students. In this video facilitator has taken the session practical and students seems interested in class and taking participate in class's activity. They were also asking more questions to each other and facilitator also. There was also two-way communication. In addition, facilitator gave chance to all students for spoke what they all want to expressed. Moreover, in the end she ends up the session with conclusion.

The second video is of IIFAC (International Institute for Facilitation and change). It shows that according to them facilitator have three roles when he/she working with a group like in a planning stage facilitator is like an architects, the second role of the facilitator is pilot, as a pilot facilitator must prepare himself for a group journey the main role of facilitator is to clarify with the group that where is the group going and map to get destination and the third role of the facilitator is guide, as a guide facilitator help the group when they are in despair, a doubt, a panic or a disagreement.

The third video shows the six steps of josef w. seifert for a group meeting. in this video miss sarah socia leads the meeting with Mrs. know - IT-All, Hard-working Harry and Bully boss. She knows that only a successful motivation giving the meeting structure safetly or orientation. the first step of six steps cycle is Introduction. in this part she introduce all things about meeting like goal of meeting, procedure of meeting etc.. the second step of the cycle is gathering, in this part sarah make sure that every participates have an opportunity to propose important topic to be discussed. the third step is selecting. in this part sarah gives everybody to chance to select the priority of the topic. the fourth step is handling, in this part sarah handle all the situations smartly. the fifth step is planning, in this part sarah makes sure that all important topic must be covered and the solution that where found are reflected in the actual task found make o be implemented. and the last and sixth one is conclusion. in this part she gave all hardworking participate to chance to reflect the meeting.

Tuesday 12 August 2014


Scenario 1: Cook by the book
What did Bhavna think about the people who are going to eat this dal?
She assumes that everyone would like it as she has cooked based on the recipe and it is her perception that all will like it. Here the focus is on the recipe.

Scenario 2: This is how I like it.
What did Amitav think about the recipe?
He thought of doing something of his own which can be more delicious, innovative and feels that his friends would surely like it. He has experience of cooking.

Scenario 2: What are we cooking today?
What do you have to say about the cooking process?
Initially she had planned to cook Dal but later on it was changed to Sambar as her friends wanted something different. Based on the ingredients and vegetables that were available at home they cooked on their own which was tasty. Exploring new recipe. She was flexible and she gave interest in listening to her friends' suggestions.

Wednesday 6 August 2014


  There is show the teacher's positive attitude towards her class and students. she encourage students that she is the best teacher and they are best students so that they get a chance to attend her lecture,thus she motivate the students.and i also like what she said about relationship between students and teachers.

              The Idea that stayed and will always revolve in my head is ,"you can not like all your trainees, you just have to be great actors at time", which I am not good at but I have a thirst of learning HOW!!and also t
We are educators and are born to create a difference.and the most the thing which i never forget is that Teacher should make feel students that I am somebody, I will be better somebody when I leave and I am powerful to deserve education that I get from here.

            Sentences that caught my attention are:“No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship”. Teaching and learning should bring joy.
           the example which caught my attention is that  When she talked about simple things like apologizing and narrated the incident wherein she was entrusted to teach a subject in which she was not well-equipped and how she apologized to all the students for teaching them incorrect lesson.

             And i think that we have to know our role better to complete this module satisfactory and also understanding our learner is not only important but also creating a good relationship or the connection with them is a duty of the role of a facilitator in a learning process. so that you show us this video in the beginning

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Facilitation Understanding

Facilitation Understanding

In the three different videos we saw different methodology of facilitation. in the first video gives a kind of approach of interactive learning in which free environment is given to the students and they are learning the concept by interactive to each other.The facilitator is engaged in the process and she is teaching to the students giving real example of democracy in the class as all are free to talk.
In the second video we saw that a facilitator plays  different roles before achieved desired outcome  as architecture he designs  and plan for the session plan and work on a pilot he drives through the defferent conditions and motivate the learner and make things easy.In the final video we saw the taste of learner group when all have different taste and they want to learn their own choice among choices of content.
We come to know that a facilitator is like a mentor , guide and friend that he makes class more interactive and interesting. There are so many approaches in the videos lecturing method , interactive method,realia,and demonstration method.We can not say that teacher has nothing to say as in the final video but facilitation is more interactive when the students are interested  in topic they want it is not bad to start beyond steps we make before.The session should be interactive as in the first video there teacher and students are asking and answering. In the last video when session plan has made by the teacher before teaching but it happens that in  the group students are interested in  activities first and topic second as a good facilitator we try to know the interest of the students then proceed otherwise students will not be taking class seriously, it does not mean that there is no for teacher to speak and go accordingly the lesson plan.but can be switched over the same by tricks as in the third video.