Friday 31 October 2014

Interactive Lecture

Interactive Lecture:
1.    What are some of the topics / concepts that can be taught using this strategy?  Explain with example.

Giving an interactive lecture involves creating and integrating interactive student activities with the more traditional segments. In highly interactive lectures, the traditional lecture portions are brief with either planned or spontaneous interactive activities. Interactive learning in a classroom is to maintain a teaching style, like the Socratic Method, that encourages healthy debate between students and the teacher.

1.    What are 5 benefits that this strategy would provide for your students?

Discussion in class is one of the interactive learning during lectures. When the lecturer ask his/her students to discuss about a specific topic in class, it will helps to motivate students toward further learning, to allow students to apply information in new settings, or to develop students' thinking skills, then discussion is preferable to lecture. Students are able to express out their own opinions during the class. They will have chance to talk in front of their friends and lecturer. So it will help them to gain self confidence to talk. Interactive environment is good for the learners to present themselves in front of everyone where this is the time to train them to be courage enough for their future work or career presentation. It motivates students and helps them to improve their communication skills with people. So they can be more active during class. Furthermore, it allows teachers to make effective use of classroom resources. Teachers will be able to analyze his/her students learning capacity easily. The feedback from student will be as fast as possible. Interactive environment bring conducting brainstorm sessions for the students to think on the topic. 

1.    What are the situations in which you will not use this strategy? Why?

Although it may sound simple, it is hard to actually foster an atmosphere in which students feel free to question authority because they fear reprisal or embarrassment. The development of true critical-thinking skills, however, requires just such an open and honest exchange of ideas.

Different Methods used in the classroom

I wanted to do a session on Teamwork and I wanted to make the session interactive. So, I divided the students in a group of 3 and gave a riddle to the leader of each group and asked them to solve and prepare a write-up on the hurdles that they will face during the session. It was the responsibility of the leader of each group to decide whom to entrust with what responsibility during the session. I also mentioned the time-slot and the ground rules.

My objective for the session was to make them understand how to work together in a team to achieve a common goal.

I used the method, i.e. giving them a riddle because I wanted to involve everyone in the process wherein group discussion, teamwork and active participation was required.

To my utter surprise, the students who initially did not like, later on commented that they want this kind of sessions in the future. They liked it as it was self-explanatory method wherein the participation of the students was more than me.

Video on SCL

The above mentioned link is the clip from the movie “Taare Zameen Par”. In this scene, Amir Khan is teaching the kids in a different style. This is a perfect example of SCL.

In this scene, Amir Khan talks about great people who had difficulty in the learning process and he used different types of techniques. He asked the students to pickup  whatever they like and gave them freedom to learn in the way they like and on their interest. He also gave special attention to Ishan and motivated him to learn by giving him real life example.

Understanding based on the videos on the approach of facilitation

The video which reflected the idea of a facilitator’s role as an architect, pilot and guide reflected the complete picture of a facilitator. It reflected the roles and responsibilities which a facilitator should take care of. The second video reflected the six steps of facilitation wherein it was very beautifully described different components of facilitation. It has also demonstrated what kind of rights do teachers and students share and how a teacher can identify the needs of a student while maintaining the goal of the learning.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Concept Video - Teaching Approach

Concept Video - Teaching Approaches:

The first video was based on “Cook by the book”. The cook hold the idea that whatever she will cook everyone will like because she followed the recipe. The idea behind this was syllabus and curriculum oriented teaching and learning process which cannot foster intellectual learning and deep understanding.

The second video was based on “This is how I like it”. The cook was happy that he did not follow the recipe, however added some of his own ideas and thought that everyone will like it. The idea behind this was teacher centered learning wherein there was very less opportunity for a student to open-up and learn. The learning becomes one-way process.

The third video was based on “What are we cooking today?”. The cook was glad that she took suggestion and it became better. The idea behind this was student centered learning wherein there was opportunity for a student to open-up and learn.


Talking about TCL and SCL.

My one session has been a mix of TCL and SCL. The session objective of the session was to impart the importance of Team work among the participants.
I used the SCL technique, reason being that the participants involved in the session could not relate the topic to them selves. Spoken lecture gave them idea of what team work means but they still had a vague knowledge about how team work helps and why is i important to be a good team player.
At the end of the session that we conducted the feedback from the students was really positive. they were able to relate their lives and the incidences where lack of team work had made them fail.

Elements of a Teaching Approach

Elements of Teaching Approaches:

Popular discussion on education as well as recent findings in the learning sciences tell a similar story. The model of education typical of 20th century classrooms was effective for that era of human history, but the ‘knowledge society’ we now live in requires new thinking about what constitutes effective and engaging teaching and learning. Teachers are now faced with the challenge that former conceptions of knowledge, minds and learning no longer serve a world where what we know is less important that what we are able to do with knowledge in different contexts.

So, teaching approaches like inquiry-based approach is helping to increase intellectual engagement and foster deep understanding through the development of a hands-on, minds-on and ‘research-based disposition’ towards teaching and learning.

Hence, the first video is completely based on “Lecture Method” wherein the active participation of the students was lacking and was teacher-centered learning. However, the second video was more of “Inquiry-based Method” wherein the students was actively participating in the class and was student-centered learning.

TCL-SCL Continnum

As i learned from this module that without students presence and engagement there is no school so engagement of student is very important for the training.

Before this course i was not aware with this kinds of training methods and Technics but somewhere i tried to use it during my sessions in past also. And as i learned also from this course that this training process is like two way street, sometime teacher takes center stage and sometime student takes center stage. and normally it happened when we practice different sessions with different strategies.
As a facilitator i conducted classes with different Technics in past like:

  • Group discussions
  • Talent shows
  • Debate
  • Poster making event
  • Role plays
  • Industry visits
  • Movie shows
  • ex posers
  • Guest lectures
Now i understood that in this all activities the TCL and SCL and sometime both strategies took place.
 but now i have many techniques where i can see the difference of TCL and SCL.
Interactive Lectures
Role Play
The Minute Paper
Muddiest Point
Jigsaw Strategy

In this all strategies i can see the difference of both learning methods.

The Minute paper technique

The Minute Paper Technique
“The class assessment technique”
The minute paper technique is very interesting and effective classroom assessment technique. We can say that it is quick way to assess the students; it takes normally a minute to understand any student.
It can help to facilitator also if he or she wants to learn how to understand student quickly or if he or she want to learn how to engage students into the class. Normally we cannot say that with my teaching techniques all students can understand easily, we cannot read their minds that from whole class who understood the topic. But this is a simple way to find out who learned correctly the topic which I taught. And by this activity you can plan out better session also for students. In short a small piece of paper can make deference in your class and in your teaching method.

Characteristics of this technique or Advantages:
·         It is used to collect feedback on students learning.
·         Checking students learning of the course.
·         If you will ask a question, students might not response but this technique will help you to make them speak quickly.
·         All students can get space to write their doubts or raise their questions.
·         Simple strategy to engage your students in the session.
·         It helps to facilitators also to prepare the discussion sessions for class.
·         Simple way to reaching quite students.
·         This will give facilitator a chance to review your all students.
·         It enables student’s active participation.
·         It can move students into group discussion easily.
·         Rapid way to collect feedback.
·         Student’s active involvement and personal reflection.

Objectives of this technique:
·         To asses students interest.
·         Identifying Perceived Relevance of Course Concepts.
·         Assess Student Attitudes/Opinions.
·         Checking Student Comprehension.
·         Assessing Conceptual Connections.

How to practice this technique:
·         Need only one piece of paper.
·         Give students a minute or two minutes to think and write.
·         You can tell to students to write 1 sentence or half of paper.
·         This activity student can do during the class or after the class.
·         They can write brief comment or response to reading or course.
·         It can be compulsory.

·         You can response one to one or you can engage them into the group discussion.

Example of Student centered Learning

while i was searching videos of Student Centered learning on you tube, I found a nice video of a school as an example of student centered learning.

This practice followed by the school of Mount Desert School-Northeast-Harbour,  In this video the teachers and experts speaks about how we can make ready to students for study or make them ready for learning process.

in this video an expert says that learning is a process where students should enjoy their learning and for this enjoyment we should provide them that kind of atmosphere where they can learn and enjoy. For this they practice some methods in this school so that they can maintain positive environment in the school and students can enjoy their learning there.

These are some activities school is following:

  • Morning Meetings
  • Student help set expectations and Rules
  • Positive Language
  • Structured choices for activities
  • Transitions
  • Yoga
And experts believe that this practice can improve:
academic achievement of students
Teacher-Child closeness
teacher's and students confidence etc.

Saturday 25 October 2014

The continuum Saga!

I understand the main key take away from the concept of TCL and SCL is that the combinations of the two is important. Also TCL and SCL should not be looked as two different ways , but as a continuum. One is not better than the other.

One should decide what to use based on students needs and teaching philosophy of the facilitator. I think when I reflect on my practice keeping in mind my learning, I wasn’t really aware of this continuum and its existence. I use a lot of the student centred learning approaches and used to believe that those are better and lead to better engagement in the class. But for most of those method that I use like Role plays, small group exercise , I used to believe that they are only SCL , but they are actually the combination and I always discounted the trainers role in those.

However, now when I reflect and think, I feel some times the TCL can be really powerful too provided the facilitator is really good and has the ability to hold the class. Rajdeep Manwani is a great example of the TCL. The whole time went without us realising because he was so gripping.

The methods that I have used and have worked well for me are:

I have used role plays when I want the trainers to step into a different persona and think about themselves as a different person. This method helps them to step into someone else’s shoes and think of things with that perspective. This method has worked very well for me in the past as the participants really start thinking about the persona they are taking on and relate to it.

Small group exercises have been used when there is less time and also when the students need to work on something together. This method I have used when I feel something is tricky and needs multiple people to think together. Also this method works well in the starting sessions when the students are still getting comfortable with the learning process. Small group exercises do not threaten them or put them in a spot and works well. I have used this for sessions like discuss the challenges that the trainer faces in an institute.  In a small group they take collective responsibility of what has been shared and works well. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Active learning strategies - Think Pair Share (Carol and Nikita)

This strategy helps to collect information on the topic. Different concepts can be explained through this strategy mostly on life skills, work skills mostly on career path, various training's can also include this strategy. It is like a brainstorm exercise where in thinking process is given importance.

This strategy enables to understand how each student perceive and understand different from each other. It also brings many ideas and views even which a trainer is unaware. It triggers each learner's mindset to think and brings out to express their understanding. This strategy builds learner's relationship with their classmates, accept each other's views and also it makes them easy to express their opinion. This discovers that each learner is unique.

They can evaluate which ideas they think are the best, most creative and most unique.
They also become confident while sharing their views with peers.
It is also called as Turn and Talk.
It also develops their communication skills especially to articulate their opinions.
It brings about collaborative learning as well as positive changes in students especially confidence and self esteem and respect each other's ideas.
It also allows the students to share their learning as well as give and receive feedback.
It provides an opportunity for learner's to share their views comfortably as it is pair sharing.
This can be used mostly to recap and close the session in order to know whether the concepts taught were clear.

It can be avoided when new topics are introduced.

Monday 20 October 2014

Student Centered Learning video " A day without a Teacher"

Video “A day without a Teacher”

1.     Why this video / clip is an example of student centred learning?

This video is a example of Student centred Learning because,

-       In this video students take the complete lead in the class room to learn.
-       Students were creating their own meaning by talking, listening, writing, reading, and reflecting on content.
-       Peer and group based learning & Accountability : peers were responsible for their own buddies learning in groups.
-       Students were working at different stations with access to multiple resources.
-       Students were taking initaitves and collaborating to learn.

2.     What are some of the actions / discussions / words / gestures signifies student centred learning?
-       Flexibility
-       Listening students interests & expectation.
-       Creating open, fearless, participatory atmosphere.
-       Peer Learning
-       Ownership & responsibility by students.
-       Guidance, instruction & support by trainers.
-       Considering student as resource rather than thinking they doesn’t know anything.

-       Collaboration between teacher and students

Implementing AL Strategy(The Muddiest Point)

Muddiest Point Strategy: The Muddiest Point strategy is one of the simplest formative assessment techniques.It is efficient and provides a high information return for a very low investment of time and energy.The technique consists of asking students to jot down a quick response to the question.What was the Muddiest Point.This technique provides information on what students find most confusing about a particular lesson or topic.The feedback can be used to discover which points are the most difficult for students to learn or least clear.Teaching decisions about which topics to emphasize and how technique ,learners must quickly identify what they do not understand and articulate those muddy points.

Classroom Activity:

I used Muddiest Point strategy into the classroom . This strategy is one of the best and easiest to know how much a concept is clear to the students and which one is the unclear point to them .

Topic: I choosed  topic for instruction "Aim and Expectation " from the Life Skills programme .

Planning for choosing a topic: First of all i made in my mind which topic to be taught to the students because we have new batch students for the session and i completed first topic Identity and Background.Then i started working on making session plan and previous day of the lecture delivery.

Session Plan:

Subject: Life Skills                                                                                               Duration: 45min.
Lesson: Aim and Expectation

1.             Greeting(Hello,every body ,Good Morning)
2.             Activity (Chintu-Bintu )

3.             Objectives:
             a.To refresh the students.
             b.To let them know about Aim and Expectation.
             c. To over come the difficulties before goal.
            d. To make them confident how questions asked.
            f. To make them aware of the clarity of topic.

4.             Classroom Activities: Teacher will ask simple questions to the students.
              1.What have you understood by doing the activity ?
              2. What was the aim and expectations from the activity ?
              3. What is your aim and expectation of this course ?

5.         Topic:Aim and Expectation:The teacher will write on the board about the topic .The topic will be discussed  with giving definition of aim and expectation.
Definition: Aim is a set of goal and desired results.
Types of aim : Real and Unreal

Story telling : Construction of a school.

6.         Group discussion: Group discussion will be conducted in pairs.One partner will tell his answers to the another one about the questions aroused in the story.

       a.Who was the happiest man while working and why ?
       b. What was the aim of all the workers ?
      c. Which character do you like the most and why ?

7.         Muddiest Point Strategy : There may be some questions or queries in the students'mind and topic unclear to them. The teacher will give chits to the students and ask them to write the topic or the questions they have not understood or unclear to them.

8.          Recapitulation : The teacher will collect the chits and go through one by one and discuss the topic again and might be come tomorrow with new strategy to make students clear the topic or the Muddiest Point.

9.           Home Assignment :Portfolio

10.        Conclude : Thank and hope to see you again.

Students response:

          The session started with greetings full of jest and zeal.All the students participated in the fun activity "Chintu and Bintu " in which a theme was how to overcome difficulties in the way of our goal.In the activity one partner was Chintu and another one was Bintu.One had to clap for long as he could and another had to stop,. After the completion of the activity the story telling about a school construction. When the topic on Aim and Expectation was completed i asked question about real and unreal aim and students were a little worried to answers . I gave them chits and asked them to write their unclear things or questions.Maximum had problem finding a difference about real and unreal aim and few of them about the personal aim and business aim.

I came back home and see videos on aim and expectations and the next day i cleared the points giving examples but first i asked the question ,What is your aim of life."?
Some body said they want to become a perfect mechanic the related trade and some body replied something wrong as unreal ; they want to be a doctor and scientists.I told them you can not become the second on because you have passed 10+2 stream Arts and only Science stream students could appear in PMT to become a doctor.It is unreal aim and you could be a mechanic because you are doing in the same field.
The students were very happy and i was also satisfied when i asked the unclear questions and they respond very well.The students were more confident because they wrote something and without being humiliated before peers as they thought before.

Change One:
         This session was different in the following ways:
         1. The students wrote on chits their queries.
         2. Generally i asked questions at the end of the concept but not given much focus to each ones queries and clear the topic.
        3. Students were more confident as they wrote without being feared humiliated in the group.
       4.  I was filled with joy that the strategy worked effectively.

Key Learning:It gives a kind of confidence to students to tell the queries in indirect way and without being feared of humiliation .It also consumes a little time and the concept is clear effectively.This strategy is the simplest technique one can use.It is also remarkably efficient, since it provides a high information return for a very low investment of time and energy.The strategy can be used in any setting .Students responses usually consist of a few words or phrases that can be read by the teacher in minutes.  

Sunday 19 October 2014

Teaching Approaches

Teaching Approach

“Teaching approach” is different ways tried and adopted to teach by instructor, to make learning more effective of a learner.  Teachers design and adopt different methods of teaching  for different kind of  learners based on his/her underestanding and assessment on learning styles of the students.

The different kinds of teaching approaches may include Explaining, Demonstrating, collaborating and probing etc., These kinds of approach can be learner centered or facilitator centered.

In both the trigger videos of teaching approaches, both teachers used different ways to make learning easy and simple to engage the classroom.  In the 1st video facilitator was very open, started the class with asking questions, probing later on created more open space for students to discuss, ask questions and engage in the topic.  Where in in the 2nd video facilitation was more of hands on training, where teacher was demonstrating each and everystep by doing and students were following, in this process student felt so comfortable to work on newer things also clarify doubts.

Both the videos helped us to see and observe different ways of instructing in different set ups. Enjoyed watching both the videos.

Thursday 16 October 2014


       "The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning"

The Master Coach Training program experience gave me a glimpse of what I am right now at the Training Institution.

In fact it was a great experience that I have never come across in my life. Such as, being confident while teaching at classes, able to speak spontaneously among students, going to classes with good preparation to give examples what is relevant to the topic. The Quest People who had taken classes for amazed on the way they taught.

It could give me a energy to think of preparing myself profoundly ,to think and reflect upon what needs to be taught to students with regard to subjects. I  learnt to be punctual on time for classes , I learned from them how to be affectionate with students and how much importance I should give good education to students. The way of teaching made me inspired. The Quest peoples really played a significant role in my life. I wont forget them till I die. Whatever they taught at the classes ,Wont be forgotten in my  life. I would like to tell you some of the positive aspects of them, Such as being amicable with everybody, loving, caring, for  other needs, sensitive to the needs of others good at teaching , polite, submissive and kind. It is clearly manifested in their dealing with others.

Hi Master Coach Team,

As you take your new road, 
We wish you a cup of success, 
A pint of happiness, 
And a jug of achievements. 
May you live the life of your dreams each moment.

Thank you Master Coach Team for giving me useful courses. Thanks to my colleagues for motivated & Supported me to do all the modules. Miss you all.Once again Thank you,,, .

Wednesday 15 October 2014


The Muddiest Point Strategy is one of the simplest classroom assessment techniques. It is efficient and provides a high information return for a very low investment of time and energy. The technique consists of asking students to jot down a quick response to the question .what was the unclear concept or topic ? The focus of the Muddiest Point assessment might be a lecture, a classroom discussion, a laboratory investigation , a home work assignment or a film.This strategy provides information on what students find most confusing about a particular lesson or topic.The feedback can be used to discover which points are the most difficult for students to learn clear.Teaching decision about which topics to emphasize and how much time to spend on each can then be made.In response to the classroom assessment technique, learners must quickly identify what they do not understand and articulate those muddy points.Even though the technique is extremely simple to administer,students are required to engage in  some higher order thinking when responding.

Concepts to be taught by using this strategy

This is one the best strategy in which every subject may be possible to be taught . 

Example from Life Skills. from the first week of the class students might not know about the definition of Life Skills and use in real life situation.Further ahead if we teach students about the concept of Responsibility.They are not able to distinguish between own responsibility and for others might be cleared after taking another session on the topic or the unclear question again.

Example from English:In English language if we teach students about the Noun and Pronouns they might not be understood the difference between noun and pronouns and might face problem in using nouns as verbs and verbs as noun. so in a little time we could go for a quick succession and remove the doubts of the students by knowing their muddiest point.

Example from Science: If we teach students about the difference between enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of activation. These responses let the teacher know that the students had not firmly grasped the differences between entropy and enthalpy and that many of them probably did understand the principal of isolation.

Five benefits of this strategy:

1.Provide just in time feedback about the teaching-learning process.
2.Provide information about student learning.
3.Help students become better monitors of their own learning.
4.Help students feel less anonymous, even in large courses.
5.Students can be confident without fear of being insulted by asking unclear.

Can not be used: we think that this strategy could not be more effective in role play method because in role play we can not assess things but try to find out the themes and each student play roles according their own pace and talent.One important thing that in role play we do not go in speculation but everything is clear picture before us.

Submitted by:
Mridhul and Rakesh


1.What are some of the topics / concepts that can be taught using this strategy?  Explain with example.

         After my research i found many ideas about Interactive Lecture.I applied it to the students It  worked well.Students Participated actively.I followed some of the following topics.

  • Breaking the class into small groups & Working in pairs
  • Questioning the Students.
  1. Straightforward questions.
  2. Brainstorming  
  3. Surveying the class
  4. Quizzes and short answers
  • Used their responses.& Classroom presentations
  • Used  written materials – Ex. handouts of slides. 
  • Organizing debates and reaction panels 
  • Used simulations and role plays.
  • Used films and videotapes & Problem-based learning
  • Audiovisual aids – Ex. Overhead projectors, flip charts, whiteboards, slides and computer assisted learning
  • Used effective presentation skills.
  • The “One-minute paper”,In-class discussion
  •  Case studies 

2. What are 5 benefits that this strategy would provide for your students?

  1. Students involved actively.
  2. Increased the attention of the students and motivated.
  3. A ‘different’ kind of learning that promotes higher order thinking So my students immediately analyzed and synthesized material, apply it to other situations and evaluated the material presented
  4. After the session, got the feedback quickly.
  5. It increased students-and My satisfaction.

3.What are the situations in which you will not use this strategy? Why?

I will use this strategy But A few challenges I faced when I introduced active learning strategies in my class. The most common challenge is relate to the determination of an ideal balance between covering content and providing my students the opportunity to actively engaging with it. This is to say that time spent on each activity is related to specific learning outcomes and is adapted to the knowledge and skills that my students have already acquired. I faced another kind of challenge, especially during discussion activities and group work where efficient management become essential. Lastly, implementing active learning strategies may be challenging in classrooms where desks and chairs cannot be moved, necessitating a little more flexibility and creativity.I overcome the challenges by putting more effort and worked with interest.
 Conclusion :
My students became more engaged in the learning process,and retained more information. Both my student and me more satisfied.Thank you to Master Coach.

Monday 13 October 2014

Active learning strategy-role play activity

I research on role playing activity with Nileshbhai,
The following is our understanding increase by this research,

             One of the most effective training methods is role playing. Role-play is a valuable teaching and training tool that delivers immense amount of imprinted learning. This learning is retained and recalled better through the role-play experience. While it is evolving as a very effective, interactive teaching and training tool, many feel unprepared and uncomfortable about participating, or using role-play in routine teaching and training.
            I am constantly amazed at the level and depth of learning that occurs through effective deployment of this tool, the way it can be adapted to teach anything from knowledge, skills or to explore and expose attitudes.
  • ·         What are some of the topics / concepts that can be taught using this strategy?  Explain with example.
  So as a facilitator we can use role play activity at many place like  role play on telephone conversation, going to shop, Cheating out from hotel, checking in hotel, travel booking, order taking in restaurant, job interview, customer service, asking for direction, Restaurant Role Play, Student-Teacher Conversation Role Play, talking with doctor, talking with our senior, asking and telling time, asking for price etc..
  • ·         What are 5 benefits that this strategy would provide for your students?
1. By Role playing we can develop greater involvement with the issues and knowledge that is the focus of training.
2. Role playing also allows assessment of how well learner understands and can apply what is learned, as indicated in their behavior.
3. Because role plays can be involving, both in emotional and cognitive ways, they can also be used to help people understand others, and the positions of others. For example, a person can role play a position with which they disagree, to better understand that position.
4. Positive impact
5. Build confidence
6. Develop listening skill
7. Creative problem solving
8. Credibility
9. Self awareness
10. Learners learn more from their peers
  • ·         What are the situations in which you will not use this strategy? Why?
      In my experience, many role play scenarios aren't well designed. "Not well designed" can go in two directions. Some scenarios are poorly thought out, with insufficient context and background for the skills in question. At other times, there's way too much extraneous information; participants feel like they're reading a script rather than practicing a skill.
     Sometimes students are not comfortable with role play scenarios, and this can affect his/her performance.
               Shy and Less confident learners will try to avoid to take part in activity, and More confident learners can do all things by their own and rest of are not participating.

               Thus role play activity has many advantages and disadvantages but to keep some points in mind we can use this activity batter in our classroom like give students clear instructions about their scenario, Role play should be kept short, there should be clear instructions on what the aim is and care should be taken when pairing people, put weaker learners with stronger ones- differentiation, All learning should be supported with resources that cover all learning styles; facilitator should monitor discussions etc to ensure learners stay on task; facilitator should group peers appropriately according to skill level and compatibility to ensure that weaker learners gain.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Video on Student Centered Learning

Video on Student Centered Learning 

This video has been extracted from a critically acclaimed movie - "To Sir, With Love".

The whole movie is about how the students who due to their upbringing, considered as rouges and rowdies transform themselves because of a dedicated teacher who is passionately interested in their growth (both academically and personally).

This particular video clipping clearly evinces, the interest in which the teacher is trying to bring some discipline in the class by clearly sharing the road map of 'Change'.

When the student comes late to the class without asking the teacher's permission, the way he deals with it and corrects her demonstrates Student centered Learning.

Another clipping from the movie "Tare Sameen Par" where a dyslexic child is been given a great importance by bringing out the best in him through painting is really edifying.

The education is all about the extracting the best within oneself. And it is proved in the below mentioned clippings.

jigsaw strategies

I and Himansha worked together and research on following question of Jigsaw Strategies.
  • Q:1 What are some of the topics / concepts that can be taught using this strategy?  Explain with example.
·         Ans:1
The jigsaw classroom is a cooperative learning technique. These strategies can be used in the topics which are divided in different part.  The following topics or concept can be used in jigsaw strategies.
·         1.Swot analysis.-
o    Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat
·         2. Types of retail store:
o    Kirana Store, convenience store, supermarket, hypermarket
·         3. Exclusive Brand Outlet / MBO multi brand outlet:
o    EBO: Samsung shop : TV, fridge, washing machine
o    MBO: one shop and multiple brands.
·         4. Retail verticals
o    Food and Grocery
o    Apparel, footwear and Accessories
o    Consumer durables
o    It and Mobile phones
o    Home
  Divide the day's lesson into 4-5 segments. For example, Retail verticals
Teacher divides retail vertical segments on: (1) food and Grocery (2) Apparel, Footwear and Accessories, (3) Consumer Durables (4) IT and Mobiles Phone (5) Home.
 Assign each student to learn one segment and go for jigsaw process.

What is the benefit of the jigsaw classroom?
1.    First and foremost, it is a remarkably efficient way to learn the material.
2.    The jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity.
3.    Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely unless everyone works well together as a team.
4.    This "cooperation by design" facilitates interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as contributors to their common task.
5.    Most teachers find jigsaw easy to learn and enjoy working with it. It can be used with other teaching strategies.
6.    It is free for the taking Student will talk too much or try to control the group.
7.    Some students are poor readers or slow thinkers and have trouble creating a good report for their group In some cases, students may never have experienced cooperative learning before the jigsaw technique will work with older students who have been trained to compete with one another All of these problems are real but not fatal.

Q3:  What are the situations in which you will not use this strategy? Why?
Ans: 3 following situations will not use in this strategies
1.     We should have enough time to do this activity.
2.    These activities should be done if there is topic which can be divided in different part.
3.    If facilitator has done brief information about the topic if there is no information about the topic to student they cannot present it.
4.    It works even if only used for an hour per day as well as students are interested in this activity.
5.    As per rule we need to appoint one student from each group as the leader, initially this person should be the most mature in the group and if the student is not capable for this so teacher will difficulty to take jigsaw class.
6.    At the other end of the talent continuum, some students are so gifted that they get bored working with slower students then the jigsaw technique not effective.
7.    Making sure that nobody becomes bored because they catch on quicker, and making sure the slower one is not left. If not organized correctly, and kept in careful check, students have the potential to become overwhelmed and disunited and require an equal number of groups.
8.    If Teacher fail to encourage student to ask question to others group for clarification.
9.    If teacher did not prepared quiz on the material student count session just for fun or entertainment.