Friday 31 October 2014

Different Methods used in the classroom

I wanted to do a session on Teamwork and I wanted to make the session interactive. So, I divided the students in a group of 3 and gave a riddle to the leader of each group and asked them to solve and prepare a write-up on the hurdles that they will face during the session. It was the responsibility of the leader of each group to decide whom to entrust with what responsibility during the session. I also mentioned the time-slot and the ground rules.

My objective for the session was to make them understand how to work together in a team to achieve a common goal.

I used the method, i.e. giving them a riddle because I wanted to involve everyone in the process wherein group discussion, teamwork and active participation was required.

To my utter surprise, the students who initially did not like, later on commented that they want this kind of sessions in the future. They liked it as it was self-explanatory method wherein the participation of the students was more than me.

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