Monday 13 October 2014

Active learning strategy-role play activity

I research on role playing activity with Nileshbhai,
The following is our understanding increase by this research,

             One of the most effective training methods is role playing. Role-play is a valuable teaching and training tool that delivers immense amount of imprinted learning. This learning is retained and recalled better through the role-play experience. While it is evolving as a very effective, interactive teaching and training tool, many feel unprepared and uncomfortable about participating, or using role-play in routine teaching and training.
            I am constantly amazed at the level and depth of learning that occurs through effective deployment of this tool, the way it can be adapted to teach anything from knowledge, skills or to explore and expose attitudes.
  • ·         What are some of the topics / concepts that can be taught using this strategy?  Explain with example.
  So as a facilitator we can use role play activity at many place like  role play on telephone conversation, going to shop, Cheating out from hotel, checking in hotel, travel booking, order taking in restaurant, job interview, customer service, asking for direction, Restaurant Role Play, Student-Teacher Conversation Role Play, talking with doctor, talking with our senior, asking and telling time, asking for price etc..
  • ·         What are 5 benefits that this strategy would provide for your students?
1. By Role playing we can develop greater involvement with the issues and knowledge that is the focus of training.
2. Role playing also allows assessment of how well learner understands and can apply what is learned, as indicated in their behavior.
3. Because role plays can be involving, both in emotional and cognitive ways, they can also be used to help people understand others, and the positions of others. For example, a person can role play a position with which they disagree, to better understand that position.
4. Positive impact
5. Build confidence
6. Develop listening skill
7. Creative problem solving
8. Credibility
9. Self awareness
10. Learners learn more from their peers
  • ·         What are the situations in which you will not use this strategy? Why?
      In my experience, many role play scenarios aren't well designed. "Not well designed" can go in two directions. Some scenarios are poorly thought out, with insufficient context and background for the skills in question. At other times, there's way too much extraneous information; participants feel like they're reading a script rather than practicing a skill.
     Sometimes students are not comfortable with role play scenarios, and this can affect his/her performance.
               Shy and Less confident learners will try to avoid to take part in activity, and More confident learners can do all things by their own and rest of are not participating.

               Thus role play activity has many advantages and disadvantages but to keep some points in mind we can use this activity batter in our classroom like give students clear instructions about their scenario, Role play should be kept short, there should be clear instructions on what the aim is and care should be taken when pairing people, put weaker learners with stronger ones- differentiation, All learning should be supported with resources that cover all learning styles; facilitator should monitor discussions etc to ensure learners stay on task; facilitator should group peers appropriately according to skill level and compatibility to ensure that weaker learners gain.

1 comment:

  1. Rekha, Nilesh - This presents a good report of the research you have conducted. It would have been useful to us if you had used your own experiences to respond to the questions presented. The way it is written, considering the change in language within the post, it looks like these are not necessarily what you both feel but what you found through your research.

    For posts that we feel is not original, we would not be in a position to provide any kind of feedback nor consider it for grading.
