Tuesday 7 October 2014

Methods used in my classrooms...

In my classroom i used different kind of methods...
some time start my lecture straight away with introduction to the topic.

group activity.
project and market survey.
some motivational videos.
some powerpoint presentations.
games and story telling.
chart making and presentation of that chart.
peer learnings.
workbooks and assessments also.
guest and success full students lectures.

Objectives of using this different kind of methods in my classroom are..
to give students a good knowledge.
give courage and motivation and self confidence to live in the society.
engage learners more in the classroom.
make participation more effective.
remove stage fear and facing the real life challenges.
provide some concrete skills so they can earn themselves.
to find their own ways of success and find solutions to their problems..

bring out their hidden potential and creativity.

I use this all methods because all learners are not on same ground and same back ground.
we have to keep all learners on the same pitch.
so if we try this kind of different methods in our classrooms all can take positive points which they want.
we have to teach that leaning is a life long process and journey..

students responds in the staring is not well.
but after two or three days they find interesting and after they participate and involve very well.
some learners are very fast and creative.
some are leaders and some are shy.
but i try to make them learn by peer learning.
they can learn themselves and helps others to learn..
it encourages and motivates us also..

and in the end its all about Relationship...

1 comment:

  1. Nilesh,

    This post articulates the methods that you use in general. While it does give insight into your students' understanding, the assignment had asked you to take a specific example of a session that you have conducted with your students and break that down. It will be useful for you to do that exercise to make connections between the objective of the session, choice of the method and students' responses to the same.

    On another note, you have tagged your name to the post - it is a good practice - please follow that with the rest of the posts as well. Thanks.
