Sunday 14 September 2014

Elements of a teaching approach

There could be multiple teaching approaches. The right teaching approach needs to be selected based on the learners, their needs and the situation around the facilitator. If the facilitator needs to facilitate a very big classroom with 30- 40 learners the teaching approach many vary from facilitating a classroom of small group of people.

There are teaching approaches which are more chalk and talk and may lend itself to certain situations and certain learner needs whereas some teaching approaches may be more inquiry based seeking more active participation and exploration by the learners.

Some kind of teaching approach may also be learning by doing, where a teacher facilitates a concept by making learner experience it and practice it themselves. This may help fix the concept in the students mind.

Teaching approach could also come from what the facilitator feels comfortable with knowing his style of teaching and what he/she is best at.

Overall the idea is that it could be really flexible and the facilitator is always in the process of doing research and innovation around the apt teaching approach for a set of learners.

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