Thursday 11 September 2014


Before starting off with the SCALS module and sharing the video and some points related to it, I want to sincerely thank mastercoach team as through facilitation module and SCALS I have encountered certain areas, methods and reactions through the videos and other worksheets which has changed my ideology of being a facilitator. For example the video on why do we go to college and schools. If it would have been me who has to answer, O also would have said the same things as spoken by others but when I settled down with the Why of School/College, I was amused to see I just didnt know. I had spent my years going to school and college without even knowing what for am I going there.
A simple answer job did not satisfy me, so I again did a brain storming tarting from the time a student visits our centre till the time he leaves and based on that I have  shared my understanding of why do trainees come to our center.
In addition to it, I also want to add that while I was watching the SCALS video; "Class of Rowdies", i was not actually satisfied with the approach of the trainer there, but again for me this video was complete turn about asking me if this is not the correct way , how should it be?
How can we balance a class of two groups, one group who is energetic and keen to learn and second group which is interested to learn but is not able to learn.
With your trigger video, I got a question of what do you mean by student centric approach and to what extent is it possible?
I checked many videos and came across a video that was an eye opener for me. Many things which I used to do, think and practice were wrong.

Thank you to all of you for bringing in such a platform because with out it I don't think, I would have been bothered about knowing and understanding students, facilitators and my own self. All of these I have came across has induced a new energy in me to continue with the course and have developed a great interest in checking my own self and looking around for more feed back.

Thank you!!!!

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