Thursday 31 July 2014

Different Elements of a teaching approach

 As per my thinking Teaching approach:, there are some recognized teaching methods together with a range of learning theories and some principles for good practice in undergraduate and postgraduate education. Being a reflective teacher and striving for excellence in teaching means considering each aspect of your teaching approach to ensure that you are doing your best to facilitate student learning.

Ways in which you try to engage students with the subject matter (provide students with basic facts, relate new knowledge to what students already know, build in interaction, be passionate, be enthusiastic);

  Three video concept

 first concept video shows that Bhavna likes to follow recipe. She thinks that recipe is the best way to cocking and it does never go wrong. And her guests who are going to eat this Dal that they all like her Dal she added more salt by mistake and Dal was made bit more salty but she thinks that all likes her Dal because she cooked as per recipe.

if we compare this video to teaching approach that As per facilitator syllabus is most priority to deliver to student.  Here, Teacher are strictly follow the curriculum and think that all subjective knowledge and appropriate contain which is mention in curriculum more over students like  subject to get satisfactory knowledge and skills.  She did not want to go out of curriculum.

According to me second concept video told that Amitab just want to read recipe but don't want to follow it. He wanted to make dal his  own past experience and efforts and feel own taste. He wants to bring  dal to more spicy as per his likes  so he added chilly and garlic to it to make  testy. And he thought that I did not follow the recipe so my friends going to like it.

if we compare this video to teaching approach teacher should put extra  efforts and  their own expertise for better deliver.  Curriculum is primary process to give basic knowledge. First ,  facilitator should  go through it but as per student needs and their understanding  teacher gives their own taste in terms of  extra knowledge and skills.  He thinks that students like it for giving some extra to make interesting lecture.

I would like to say the cooking process in the third video that shreya was taking opinion from friends about making nice tasteful Dal. She thought that she made same dal which friends like to eat. She wants to make happy to her friends or guest.  When friends came she took their suggestion as well as some help in kitchen. And each moment of making dal she took suggestions   and   requirements of her friends.

In comparison video to teaching approach, every learner has different expectations and various level of thinking. Teacher gives open chance to talk about students like and dislike as well as share their idea and thoughts. Teacher has to understand them and know their needs for applying teaching method. Facilitator aware about their skills and facilitate the students.  Teacher focus more method as he or she feels comfort as well as transferring contain as understanding itself. 
Q. How do these elements play out in your teaching approach?
These three elements play out vital role in my teaching approach.  When I started my teaching line I did not strictly follow curriculum.  I just read index and contain of subject and started teaching from my past experience and use of my expertise.  I used many similar books for the acquire example or pattern of activity as per students understood. In my B.P.O. subject I was aware of students need and comfort and get suggestion so I made power point presentation with full of example and show live environment as well as guest lecture of real call center person. 
Q. How would you define your teaching approch for yourself?
Now, I am studying master coach course and after done many assignment my thinking and views and definition of teaching approach has been changed. This moment I go for third video I want to give students to their own space to share their views, ideas and get suggestion for deliver lecture. I take one to one counseling for every student to their need and interest and how do I focus or involved in learning. As per my experience I am giving my best teaching to them.  But I would like to tell you that if students does not know anything about their learning that what is contain in subject  or how do it learn except his job criteria then I go for second video for best teaching for them
 As a Example  if students only know computer job and dose not know anything about it. So in that case how we would know their ideas or views. We must go for our curriculum with extra efforts to understand .


why do learners come to my center

learners comes to my center cause...........
As we are running vocational training and we are doing advertisement for the same.  We offer 100% job offer with computer training.. Different Learner has different needs. In My class students have more expectation from us such as upgrade their computer literacy as well as spoken English. Some students have only focus on English.  They want to speak better English. Most of the student wants to do good job with respectable salary. Some students come for their good career.
As we are working in slum area so major students have poor economical condition and we offer computer skills in lowest fees. So most of time they encourage the other students to join
Moreover, we are giving life skills, carrier counseling and work readiness program. And We provide them friendly atmosphere with full of advanced learning and motivational activity, so many students like to join  this best learning environment. We all faculties are always ready to help and give guidance for their academic and social life also. The best part of it we are giving service of post placement.  So all these factors are work for enroll students.

Make a blog entry

Dear Mastercoach team,

I get understand foreign facilitator in this video.    
But I very difficult understand English in this video. 


Wednesday 30 July 2014

Teaching Approach-concept video....

after saw the first concept video i understand that Bhavna think about the people who are going to eat this Dal that they all like her Dal cause she made this Dal following by recipe.
she add more salt and Dal is little bit more salty but she thinks that all likes her Dal cause she strictly follow the recipe.
if we think and compare this video to teaching approach its just curriculum based teaching method where teacher strictly follow the curriculum and think that all learners/students like it cause she teaches as per the method and as per guideline.

after saw the second concept video i understand that Amitav thinks about the recipe that he follow the recipe and made the Dal but he added her own thinking and efforts making the Dal little bit more spicy.
he don't want to follow the recipe but according to the test and need he added his own thinking and made the Dal.
he think that i can make better than this.
he cook the Dal different way and in Tadka he added more chilly and garlic also.
so the Dal is become more spicy.
if we think and compare this video to teaching approach teacher or facilitator added more efforts and own thinking in making the teaching and education better.
after reading the curriculum teacher add some more thinking and efforts to delivered  good training or teaching.

i have to say about the cooking process in the third video that its a best way of making Dal.
cause every ones need and expectations are different so we have to understand the environment around us and than decide how to teach.
with the help of our students and our peers we can do this.
cause we are facilitators and we dont teach.
we help them finding their hidden potentials and skills.
according to our students needs we teaches them.
in every batch there are different kind of students we have so we have to adjust and think and moderate ourselves to full fill their expectations with the help of others.

those three elements plays a very big role in my teaching approach cause when i join this field i am strictly follow the curriculum for teaching but after getting experienced i added my thinking and efforts to teaching and then i felt that we are not teachers we are facilitators.
then with the help of my peers and from my organization i am here.

content and teacher also very important but student are in the center of the class..
we have to keep balancing approach.

i define my teaching approach now as per the third video cause now i am very much experienced and know how to facilitate.
i give students to their own space to share their views, ideas.
Being a reflective facilitator and striving for excellence in facilitating I  considering each aspect of my teaching approach to ensure that i am doing my best to facilitate student learning.
what are the need and expectations of the students and what kind of help the want.
i just help them for making and building their confidence and self esteem..

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Every Kid Needs a Champion

I liked the thought that it is the relationship that we build with our learners that enhances the learning process and makes it joyful for both the learner and the facilitator.

The idea that our job is tough however, not impossible. We are educators and are born to create a difference.

 Sentences that caught my attention are:
1.    James Corner says, “No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship”.
2.    George Washington Carver says, “All learning is understanding relationship”.
3.    You say it long enough, it becomes a part of you
4.    Kids don’t learn from the people they don’t like.
5.    Teaching and learning should bring joy.
6.    Our job is tough, but not impossible.
7.    We are educators. We are born to create a difference.
    And the examples that caught my attention are:
1.    When she talked about simple things like apologizing and narrated the incident wherein she was entrusted to teach a subject in which she was not well-equipped and how she apologized to all the students for teaching them incorrect lesson.
2.    When she talked about her colleague who was teaching only for the sake of teaching.
3.    When she talked about the student in a subject and how she motivated that student. She said, “-18 sucks the life out of you. +2 says I ain’t all bad”.
4.    When she narrated about her mother.

I think we are asked to watch this video in the beginning of the module because understanding our learner is not only important but also creating an enduring relationship or the connection with them is a part and parcel of the role of a facilitator in a learning process.

Different elements of teaching approach....

In my point of view the principal elements that make teaching and learning possible and attainable are the teachers, the learners and a conductive learning environment.
The teacher serves as the prime mover of the education wheel.
the learners are the key participants in the learning process.
the favorable environment provides essential features and ingredients that could make headway in guiding the processes and methodologies needed for smooth linkage among the tree.

i saw the video and observe that in the first video facilitator was just taking his class, there is no excitement, only one way communication, no interaction there,
students doesn't participate in the class and teacher was not very much interested.
just taking theory basis lecture.
in our education system there is this type of lectures are given.
just teachers doing their jobs.
teacher don't know whether the students understanding or not.

but in the second video all the elements of teaching was there.
facilitator was very much exited and keep interested in conducting the class.
very focus on what she is facilitating.
two way communication was there and interaction was also there.
students freely participate in the discussion and giving ans vary well.
some basic rules made in the starting of the class.
so every one must have to participate.
its a best example taking class and teaching method with activity/game.
very good.

so we have to keep those little thing in our mind while taking our classes.

Monday 28 July 2014

Teaching approach-concept video

There are four videos related (every video related with one topic)

  • In the first video Bhavna made a Tuver dal with the help of recipe book. but by mistook she added more salt, so dal became salty. but she thought that everyone liked that dal because she cooked as per recipe.

If we compare this video with teaching approach than in this video facilitator just follow the curriculum which he/she had. facilitator just want to make his/her class as per the curriculum.he/she don't want to do anything beyond the curriculum.

  • In the second video Amitav made a dal with the help of recipe book, but he also added his own efforts to make dal more tasty, and In the end he felt glad because his dal became more tasty he assured that his friend liked the dal, so he thanked the recipe book.
If we compare this video with teaching approach than in this video facilitator thinks that he/she has many experience for the particular topic, so he/she added his own thinks in curriculum, he just give importance to his own preferences. he thinks that if like the topic than also students like it and take the interest in the topic.

  • In the third video a girl was also making a dal with the help of her friends, one of her friend suggest that she could add more vegetables to make dal something different. so she didn't follow any recipe,although she made a dal by her own self as her friends suggest and is was something different and delicious.
If we compare this video with teaching approach than, in this facilitator give more importance to the students that what they want, what are their interest and than he/ she making his/her curriculum as per his/her needs of students.

I define my teaching approach with the third video, because i give students to their own space to share their views,ideas.Being a reflective facilitator and striving for excellence in facilitating I  considering each aspect of my teaching approach to ensure that i am doing my best to facilitate student learning.

Teaching approach

In the first video, the facilitator was taking session without interest he was only doing one way communication .The students were not taking interest. Facilitator only was giving lecture. In the first video, the facilitator taking session without interest. He was only doing one way communication .The students were not taking interest. Facilitator only was giving lecture. There was no any practical work, Contrary it is only theory basis class. Facilitator just complete his work not saw that students were taking interest or not, they were understanding or not.

In second video the facilitator was taking, interact with all students. In this video facilitator has taken the session practical and students seems interested in class and taking participate in class's activity. They were also asking more questions to each other and facilitator also. There was also two-way communication. In addition, facilitator gave chance to all students for spoke what they all want to expressed. Moreover, in the end she ends up the session with conclusion.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Every Kid Needs a Champion

1.        What you liked in the video?
I would like to thank to master coach for best teaching us by best video. I really like whole video and each and every sentence she spoke.  We have to face many problems during teaching of students who are drop out. This video is the solution for that.  The best things of it   was that the value and importance of human connectivity and relationship.  Also Stephen covey idea that understand and apologies is effect to best teaching. Mostly  , I like that positive attitude , confidence to teach and power of self confidence  said to students that you were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students and put all to gather so we could so everybody else how to do it.  

2.  What idea stayed with you?
 First idea was that you know kids don’t learn from people which they don’t like. You have to make powerful relationship and understanding them.  Teacher should make feel students that I am somebody, I will be better somebody when I leave and I am powerful to deserve education that I get from here.
3. Specific sentences or examples used in the video that caught your attention.
 There are the lots of sentence paid my attention. But among them first one is that kids don’t learn from people they don’t like, second one is that teachers encouraged students to put 2 marks with smile face  and give motivational answer to them.   Teachers become great actors and actress to make relationship and they teach anyway.  And every child deserves to be a champion

4. Why did we want you to watch this video, in the beginning of the module?
  It is fair enough to put this video in bargaining of facilitator role.  Now we understand that lack of values and human relationship, we found that students are dropout or low attendance and their requirement of learning.  One sentence we fetched that we are educator and we born to make difference facilitator will know their role and value of relationship between students and teacher.