Monday 28 July 2014

Teaching approach-concept video

There are four videos related (every video related with one topic)

  • In the first video Bhavna made a Tuver dal with the help of recipe book. but by mistook she added more salt, so dal became salty. but she thought that everyone liked that dal because she cooked as per recipe.

If we compare this video with teaching approach than in this video facilitator just follow the curriculum which he/she had. facilitator just want to make his/her class as per the curriculum.he/she don't want to do anything beyond the curriculum.

  • In the second video Amitav made a dal with the help of recipe book, but he also added his own efforts to make dal more tasty, and In the end he felt glad because his dal became more tasty he assured that his friend liked the dal, so he thanked the recipe book.
If we compare this video with teaching approach than in this video facilitator thinks that he/she has many experience for the particular topic, so he/she added his own thinks in curriculum, he just give importance to his own preferences. he thinks that if like the topic than also students like it and take the interest in the topic.

  • In the third video a girl was also making a dal with the help of her friends, one of her friend suggest that she could add more vegetables to make dal something different. so she didn't follow any recipe,although she made a dal by her own self as her friends suggest and is was something different and delicious.
If we compare this video with teaching approach than, in this facilitator give more importance to the students that what they want, what are their interest and than he/ she making his/her curriculum as per his/her needs of students.

I define my teaching approach with the third video, because i give students to their own space to share their views,ideas.Being a reflective facilitator and striving for excellence in facilitating I  considering each aspect of my teaching approach to ensure that i am doing my best to facilitate student learning.


  1. Rekha, It is good to know that your teaching approach is similar to that of the third video. It would be good for you to explain how you see yourself using that approach in your classroom. Also how these elements play out in your teaching approach is something that is not coming across very clearly. In addition, I'd like to ask why you think the third approach is better? If one way is better than the other, then should we completely ignore what the teacher has to bring to the table and the curriculum needs? These are some questions for you to think further about.

    Good luck!

  2. I think that third one is better because in that video girl is making dal with the help of her friends and she also ask them that what they like thus we also have to ask that what students like how curriculum suitable, the teacher's main role is to help the students to arrange the table not arrange the table by her own values.
