Tuesday 8 July 2014

Every Kid needs a Champion!

This video is really impressive where in Ms. Rita Pierson has articulated her thoughts clearly and was based on her personal experience. It is an inspiring video as it made me see the video again and again.

Every concept and sentence in the video has stayed with me but the most effective one's for me was:
1. Understand the learner and building relationship
2. Kids don't learn from the people who don't like
3. 'I am somebody, I was somebody and I will be better somebody when I leave' This particular sentence inspired me.

Its really an important essence that relationship needs to be built and there must be meaningful and healthy relationship between the students and the facilitator.

An example that caught my attention was the teacher apologized for teaching wrong and the immediate reaction of students. This shows the understanding and relationship between the trainer and students.

This video is apt before beginning this module and it has inspired me to go forward with this module. The purpose of watching this video is to show that a facilitator can change the lives of learners and be a good role model provided there is an understanding and good relationship with the learners. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carel,

    Your post gave a brief account of your reactions and reflections from the video. We are glad that you found it inspiring. If this works with many of you, we could attempt at posting more videos of similar kind. Let us know.

    A facilitator does leave an impact on the learners and we need to be aware of what kind of impact we want to leave with them. It is also important at this point to acknowledge that in order for a mutually beneficial relationship there has to be a two way communication and this module will focus on how the facilitation style can enhance this understanding of a healthy learner-facilitator relationship.

    Good luck.
