Tuesday 29 July 2014

Every Kid Needs a Champion

I liked the thought that it is the relationship that we build with our learners that enhances the learning process and makes it joyful for both the learner and the facilitator.

The idea that our job is tough however, not impossible. We are educators and are born to create a difference.

 Sentences that caught my attention are:
1.    James Corner says, “No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship”.
2.    George Washington Carver says, “All learning is understanding relationship”.
3.    You say it long enough, it becomes a part of you
4.    Kids don’t learn from the people they don’t like.
5.    Teaching and learning should bring joy.
6.    Our job is tough, but not impossible.
7.    We are educators. We are born to create a difference.
    And the examples that caught my attention are:
1.    When she talked about simple things like apologizing and narrated the incident wherein she was entrusted to teach a subject in which she was not well-equipped and how she apologized to all the students for teaching them incorrect lesson.
2.    When she talked about her colleague who was teaching only for the sake of teaching.
3.    When she talked about the student in a subject and how she motivated that student. She said, “-18 sucks the life out of you. +2 says I ain’t all bad”.
4.    When she narrated about her mother.

I think we are asked to watch this video in the beginning of the module because understanding our learner is not only important but also creating an enduring relationship or the connection with them is a part and parcel of the role of a facilitator in a learning process.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Luna for the post! It was interesting to go through your post and see the aspects that had your attention. It is so true how relationship is part of the facilitation process and how it is important that as facilitators we consider it to be part of our role. Good luck!
